Most small businesses host their websites utilizing a shared server hosting plan. These are typically low cost plans that are offered by hosting companies of all sizes. For just a few dollars a month, your business website is accessible on the world wide web. However, that low cost plan may not be the best option for your business.
Instead, your business should seriously consider a VPS.
In general, VPS hosting is a hosting level between shared hosting (the most common small business website hosting plan) and dedicated hosting. The acronym VPS stands for Virtual Private Server (also known as Private Virtual Server). VPS plans are created essentially by dividing a single physical server into several “virtual” servers. Unlike common shared server hosting, in which a large number of other company’s websites also reside on, and share all the resources of the same machine, each VPS can work with its own operating system and can be restarted independently.
If your site is on a VPS, no other sites share the resources that have been allocated to you. If, however, your site is on a shared server, someone else’s site traffic could impact the performance of your site. Thus, virtual servers work independently of each other despite sharing the same machine. Virtual private server hosting is a significant step above shared server hosting. VPS hosting has almost all the advantages of dedicated hosting, but at a lower price. Its adaptability makes it one of the best options for any server size. What differentiates the VPS server from shared or dedicated servers?
For dedicated hosting, an entire server is provided. This is the best option for users who have a lot of traffic on their websites or who need to configure their server in a very specific way.
Since not everyone needs to have an entire server for the operation of their website, the recommended alternative is to acquire a part of the server instead.
The options for this are:
Through a shared server – in which the entire server is shared among several people with the same IP for all hosted websites and shared server features (such as memory and processor).
Through a virtual private server (VPS) in which individual portions of the server are made into virtually small-scale dedicated servers. Each VPS has its own memory and does not share it with other sectors of the server. The same happens with the IP address, which will be individual for each VPS. Each VPS can also have its own operating system and reserved storage space.
The advantages of the VPS are the same as those of a dedicated server but on a smaller scale. Mostly importantly, a VPS will prevent the problems that a shared server may often have. Sites hosted on shared servers, for example, may experience performance drops when there are high traffic or resource demands used by other sites. Additionally, you may find more problems getting your emails to inboxes, or sometimes they may be blocked altogether, due to actions of other people whose sites and email accounts are sharing the same ip address.
How does a VPS server work?
Virtual servers are created by partitioning the server into multiple virtual servers. The result achieved is having several servers dedicated to small scale working on the same computer.
What benefits does a VPS have?
VPS services are less expensive than most dedicated hosting plans while offering system resources specifically for your use only. Here a few more notable benefits:
A VPS is customizable: You can install your own operating system in a VPS. You can fully customize the applications and functions installed on the server such as MySQL, PHP, and Apache.
It is entirely private: In a VPS, the IP and operating systems are not shared with other users. There is no possibility that the rest of the websites with which the server is shared can see or access your files.
The quality/price ratio is outstanding: The advantages offered by VPS hosting are far greater than shared hosting, yet the cost is not much more.
For answers to your questions about VPS or any of your company’s hosting needs, feel free to send an email to [email protected], or chat with us live via our website at www.Tier.Net. Our support team is available to assist you 24/7/365.